ASIS Southern CT Chapter Announcement

The Southern Connecticut Chapter of ASIS International is proud to launch our new web site and Facebook pages. Our southern Connecticut chapter has a rich heritage of being a part of the original founding chapters of ASIS International from the 1950’s. We have had five of our chapter members serve as the president of the national organization including the most recent past President Richard Widup.
We have monthly dinner meetings in Fairfield County CT where we gather to exchange security and life safety information and learn of new current topics covering a wide array of subject matter. Please take a few minutes to visit our website and Facebook page, and if you are in the CT area please come and visit this dynamic chapter of an amazing organization.
ASIS International is a global community of more than 38,000 security practitioners, each of whom has a role in the protection of assets - people, property, and/or information.
Our members represent virtually every industry in the public and private sectors, and organizations of all sizes. From entry-level managers to CSOs to CEOs, from security veterans to consultants and those transitioning from law enforcement or the military, the ASIS community is global and diverse.
No other organization possesses the vast array of knowledge,
expertise, and experience.